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DESCRIPTION: This week we are joined by another visual effects legend, Roger Guyett from Industrial Light & Magic, the VFX supervisor for “Mission: Impossible 3.” In this episode Guyett talks about the creation of the Shanghai skyline, the trickiness of two Philip Seymour Hoffmans, and a shot he thinks doesn’t hold up. Plus so much more! Released June 26th, 2020.
SHOW NOTES: Learn more about Roger Guyett here.
As discussed in the interview, here’s the scene with two Philip Seymour Hoffmans...
And here’s the set piece on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Other than a couple of second unit shots done on the actual bridge, the sequence was filmed over a field in Calabasas, California...
This is the re-creation of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge that was done in Calabasas, Californaia...
And here’s the section created for the low angle shot of Cruise jumping...