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DESCRIPTION: We’re back with part 2 of the amazing interview with Evan Schiff, associate editor and first assistant editor on “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.” This time Evan tells us about his time working with Guillermo del Toro on “Pan’s Labyrinth” (and how Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu helped cut 10 minutes), doing pre-production on del Toro’s “At the Mountains of Madness,” and lots of stuff about “John Wick 2” and “3.” Plus another Cruise story! Released October 2nd, 2020.

SHOW NOTES: Check out Evan’s website here and his Twitter here.

And as mentioned on the show, here’s a bit of concept art that was on display at LACMA for Guillermo del Toro’s adaptation of “At the Mountains of Madness,” which was set to star Tom Cruise...