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DESCRIPTION: We’re back with part two of our chat with Greg Grunberg, who appears in the party scene in “Mission: Impossible 3!” In this episode, we talk about where he got the name for his "M:I-3" character, watching an early version of the movie in the editing room, and he shares stories of working with Paul Verhoeven, Al Pacino, and Barry Levinson. Plus Charles tells a fun “Felicity” story! Released December 11th, 2020.

SHOW NOTES: As discussed at the top of the episode, here are our Ethan Hunt Christmas ornaments that were made by artist Matt Dammer. Click to enlarge...

As Charles mentioned in the episode, here’s the signed photograph that was given to him by Keri Russell back in 1999! That’s Lindsey Farris from “M:I-3”!

In the interview Greg talks about working with director Paul Verhoeven on “Hollow Man” (2000). You can find where to stream that movie here.

We also discuss Greg’s role in Barry Levinson’s “Paterno” (2018), which you can find where to stream here.

The blu ray set of the old Mission: Impossible TV show is out now! Click here to buy it!