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DESCRIPTION: We are back, talking to legendary editor (and recent author) Paul Hirsch again. Paul edited the first “Mission: Impossible” movie along with ‘Ghost Protocol,’ and in this episode he shares his thoughts on some recent Oscar-season movies, reveals an unused chapter from his book (read by Paul himself) and tells a funny story about Stanley Kubrick. Released April 30th, 2021.

SHOW NOTES: Be sure to check out Paul’s book “In A Cutting Room Far, Far Away.” You can find it on hardcover, paperback, Kindle, and audiobook!

Also, if you want to check out our previous chats with Paul Hirsch, here are the links to the first interview and second interview.

Also mentioned on the show, Fathom Events is showing Brian De Palma’s “Mission: Impossible” in theaters for the 25th anniversary on May 16th, 17th, and 19th only. You can find showtimes near you and buy tickets here.

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Paul also gave a few movie recommendations in the interview. You can find where to watch each of the films by clicking on the title you’re interested in...



Mr. Jones