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DESCRIPTION: This week is the first part of our chat with legendary production designer Jim Bissell, who worked on both “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol” and “Rogue Nation” (another one of the rare two-time department heads!). This week we talk about the train car, the car park, and how when he finished “Rogue Nation” he felt like he had made three movies. Also, learn why Brad Bird’s “1906” couldn’t get off the ground. Get ready, this is a good one! Released February 18th, 2022.

SHOW NOTES: As we found out from Jim, this was actually two separate shots of the same set that were stitched together to give the impression of going through the floor/ceiling. It was achieved with a motion control crane and a wipe in the edit...

Here are screen grabs of different sets that we discussed from “Ghost Protocol” and “Rogue Nation,” courtesy of Film-Grab and Shot Deck...

The IMF train car:

The car park:

The prison:

The sewer, which is part of a museum in Prague:

The backstage fly system at the opera:

The IMF boat:

If you want to order the “M:I-3” soundtrack vinyl, visit Mondo’s website. They have now released four of the Mission: Impossible soundtracks with of course more to come!

And as mentioned in the episode, if you’re interested in seeing Charles’ film Night Owls, it’s currently streaming on HBO Max and Kanopy. It’s also on demand on DirecTV and Spectrum, or you can rent it on other VOD platforms.