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DESCRIPTION: If you thought last week was a doozy, just wait until this week. We're back with Academy Award-winning cinematographer Robert Elswit, who does a deep dive into how they filmed the plane stunt for "Rogue Nation," how his background in effects helped him conceptualize the underwater sequence, and what went into the opera set piece. We also got some details of his working relationship with Paul Thomas Anderson and were blessed with a genuinely incredible "There Will Be Blood" story. Praise be. Released February 15th, 2019.

SHOW NOTES: As mentioned in the interview, here’s the picture Robert Elswit took of Tom Cruise during prep for “Rogue Nation”...

Here are a few shots of Elswit on set of “Rogue Nation.” Click on an image to enlarge...

As discussed in the interview, here’s a look at how they did the Taurus sequence in “Rogue Nation.” In this photo with Tom Cruise is underwater DP Pete Romano...

M-I Underwater.JPEG

Elswit discusses Paul Thomas Anderson’s “Punch-Drunk Love” (2002) in this episode so here are some screenshots (courtesy of Film Grab). Click any image to enlarge...

Elswit also talks about “There Will Be Blood” (2007), which earned him an Oscar for Best Cinematography. Here are some screenshots courtesy of Film Grab. Click any image to enlarge...

And here we are with Elswit right after the interview. We love this guy!
