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DESCRIPTION: This week we talk to Oscar-winning make-up effects artist Barney Burman, who provided the make-up effects for "Mission: Impossible III." We get into his history in the business, including the famous movies his family worked, and dive deep into the secrets of "III," including doing the masks on Tom Cruise and Philip Seymour Hoffman. Plus, you know you want it, we get into the origins of Les Grossman, Cruise's character from "Tropic Thunder" (Barney also did those effects). Released May 10th, 2019.

SHOW NOTES: See more of Barney’s work at his website.

As he describes in the interview, this is an awesome mask gag that’s done in a single shot: Tom Cruise steps in for Philip Seymour Hoffman when the camera pans away...


Here’s Philip Seymour Hoffman wearing the neck flap for this in-camera mask gag...


As discussed in the interview, Barney also transformed Tom Cruise into Les Grossman for the movie “Tropic Thunder”...