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DESCRIPTION: An interview a year in the making (seriously), we talk to Industrial Light & Magic visual effects supervisor Todd Vaziri (@tvaziri on Twitter), who worked on two installments in the franchise! We talk about how he got into the series, working on “Mission: Impossible 3” (including the bridge sequence), the shot J.J. Abrams did himself, and where you can spot R2D2 in the movie! We also get into the Dubai sequence from “Ghost Protocol,” so hang on tight! Released September 27th, 2019.
SHOW NOTES: Follow Todd on Twitter: @tvaziri. You can also learn more about him here.
Here’s footage from the 2-camera rig they used to execute that iconic shot from M:I-3, as described by Todd in the interview...
Here's a breakdown of one of Todd’s shots in "M:I-3,” which shows all the pieces of photography (helicopter photography from the real Chesapeake Bay bridge and the "bridge" built on the Calabasas hillside)...
And here are ILM models from the helicopter chase in M:I-3. Todd sent us these pics from ILM headquarters. Click to enlarge...